Soul analysis
I am now offering energetic analyses free of charge - for anyone who is interested.
Because I don’t want money to decide whether this world : continues to deteriorate or turns more towards the light again.

Why am I doing this?
It is my given ( by creation) destiny to liberate souls.
With every single soul that is able to return into the creative cycle, the matrix loses power.
Soul parts are systematically intercepted and enslaved by dark forces. They serve as building blocks for the matrix (see main text on this homepage).
Conscious purifiers have united within our creation system to weaken the matrix. They have called the peaceful spiritual revolution into being.
Because they don’t want to bow to the matrix. The peaceful spiritual revolution aims to stop the spiritual collapse of the earthly world. With the aim of giving us humans a little bit more time.
What does such an analysis look like?
Generally I only do analyses for people who commission me personally. There may be exceptions, for example if a responsible person asks me to do an analysis for a child or a disabled person.
Step 1
I need the following personal data of a person:
First name and surname
Date of birth, if known time of birth, place of birth, home address and occupation
A current photo of the person (not older than 2 weeks)
Email address and telephone number are also helpful for further communication
This data can be sent to the following email address:
- By E-Mail:
- by post: Hans- Jürgen Hummes 5367 Gaydari/ Bulgaria
- or via the analysis form further down on this page.
Step 2
With these key data, including a photo, This enables me to determine the status quo of a human soul. On average, it takes me 1,5 to 2 hours to create a soul analysis. What does that mean in detail?
In meditation I will find out the following for the person concerned: How his/her soul was composed at the time of their birth. And how it has changed up to the present day.
I analyze further : how many parts of the soul have already left the organism. And where they are currently located. I also find out whether soul parts are currently being abused and for what reason they were expelled from the human body.
Step 3
I then initiate the release of the corresponding soul parts with the help of many spiritual helpers. This process can take several days or weeks.
Step 4
Once reintegrated into the creative cycle, the soul parts will wait in energetic shelters and observe the person to whom they belong. They do this because they hope being again enabled one day to flow back into the person.
How does this work, and what needs to be considered here?
Step 5
Soul -parts can only flow back into a human organis when the person has changed him-or herself positively to such an extent that the soul-parts feel re-invited again.
I think it is important to mention here that in most cases it needs a drastic change to motivate the soul parts to return to their human organism again. After all, our previous life with all its conceivable details has led to the soul fleeing (see main text on the homepage). We chase away our own soul parts if we do not act according to our own soul in life. Due to deep, inner misbehavior (in the creative sense) the soul parts become defenceless within our organism and have no other choice but to flee.
In order for the soul parts to feel re-invited by “their” person again, people have to change a lot about themselves,In order for the soul parts to feel attracted to “their” person again. And when I talk about a profound change, I don’t just mean moving to another apartment.
I can say from experience that in most cases false beliefs lead to parts of the soul leaving a person. Reversing this process permanently therefore means that people have to recognize and dissolve precisely these beliefs. Anyone who ‚cleanses‘ their mind in this way and finds her/his personal creative truth will magically attract their own soul parts again. Simply according to the principle of resonance. One will then offer them support and protection in his entire organism again.
The decisive factor is whether a person succeeds in recognizing and resolving the cause of their “soul atrophy”. That is what matters.
It is therefore always the task of the concerned person to bring her,-/himself back into resonance with its soul. Everyone has to do this her/ himself! No one else can do that for another person because it is a profound, internal process. However, a capable person can accompany this process and perhaps give impulses, just as a midwife assists and supports the expectant mother during a birth.
Everyone can try to „ walk“ this path in their everyday life. However I would like to say quite honestly: depending on where a person lives, this might be quite difficult depending on where you live. To give an example: I knowI know that in Western Europe the number of light helpers is very thin on the ground, to put it bluntly.
This is simply because overexploitation and industrialization in this part of the world have led to the circumstance that there are no longer any connections to the final heaven. (If you like more information about this topic, you may listen to my podcast/ episode 8 “Why live in a special place and what constitutes the duration of a human cycle?”)
For all persons who request an analysis from me, everything that I described above (steps 1-5) is completely free of charge. Because I don’t want money to decide whether this world continues to deteriorate or turns more towards the light again.
As I also receive requests for advice and energetic support from people who want to learn to work intensively and independently on themselves. On their personal inner consciousness. I also offer the following option:
- We will send you your completed analysis sheet by email or by post. So that you have an insight into your current soul – status. For this we ask for a donation
- I also offer the opportunity to learn from me here in Bulgaria. During a stay in this special place you can work intensively on yourself. All the creative aids from nature can ideally support people in their personal harmonization and soul regression.
Further information for a stay with us: Intensive soul work
Online analysis form
Don't forget to upload a photo that is no more than 2 weeks old. You can also send it by email or post.
What is all this effort for?
I am doing all this to stop the spiritual collapse. It is essential for this purpose, to free soul parts from the matrix.
The more soul parts are freed, the weaker the matrix becomes!! And as already described in detail, you can help significantly with this.
Every person who works intensively on themselves is given a second chance, so to speak (via the reflux of their soul). And can thereby achieve inner harmony. .
When people are “whole” again, they can rediscover and express their creative love.