
Spiritual collapse

I have been warning for years that we humans are at risk of a spiritual collapse. Why?

The worldwide creative energy cycles (see Ḿeridian expedition) have largely come to a standstill. The stream of light energy from the final heaven has been almost completely extinguished because we systematically banish this light energy from our lives. Through hatred, envy, fear, greed, but also every form of unconscious action.

We as humanity are now dangerously close to spiritual collapse (see my descriptions of the spiritual role model). We can push it back a little bit by bringing light into this world in the form of love. Any living out of of negative spirit/dark energy brings us closer to a spiritual collapse.

For example, total digitalization, as is currently being pursued, would be a total disaster from a spiritual point of view. It would entail absolute control and the loss of freedom. If we can no longer act in a self-determined way, but allow dark rulers to dictate to us what we do, where and when, then we are on the brink of the end.

I am not a pessimist! No, not at all. For me there is still hope:

The Meridian Expedition has contributed greatly to halting the spiritual collapse and thus bought us some time.

Meridian- Expedition

In 2021, we Spirebos gave up our self-sufficient village of Odrintsi in Bulgaria to embark on a long journey to an unknown destination. After we realized that there were global energy blockades that could not be removed from the Balkan, we „ shorebirds“:):) decided to buy the ‚Stahlratte‘, a sailing ship that is almost 120 years old.

During our time on the ship, me and countless comrades-in-arms (conscious purifiers and countless spiritual helpers), have together succeeded in reactivating three centers of light at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean where no energy had flowed for a long time.

Fortunately, after having been reactivated these three centres spread this positive energy flow to all the other 9 light centers on the ocean floor. And subsequently to the subordinate 60 light centers on the solid land mass. So all light centers on the entire Earth were reactivated through the Meridian Expedition. This was a crucial step in postponing the spiritual collapse.

I would like to give the following explanations: Creation is designed in such a way that we receive light impulses from the final heavens. These flow directly from the final heaven to the 12 centers of light on the ocean floor. From there to the 60 centers of light on the solid earth, on to sacred places and places of  spiritual power. After they are finally reaching us humans.

Conversely, flows the positive spirit that humans produce back to the final heaven, Where it is checked for truthfulness. And then flows back here ( to our level of consciousness) in potentized form. To fertilize everything that resonates with it:

The positive spirit is able to fertilize everything that resonates with it: minerals, plants, animals and humans – a spiritual perpetuum mobile.

Speaking of positive spirit – this is the only thing by which we are measured: How much positive spirit do we generate as individuals?

High, light energies in the final heaven do not judge us according to how much negative spirit we produce. Since they consist of 100% light, they have no resonance with negative spirit. They do, however, have an awareness of how many light soul parts a person started out with in this life. From this we can deduce how much positive spirit a person could produce. We receive the light soul parts as a kind of credit in reincarnation so that our shadow soul parts can become light. At the end of a life, the question arises: have we been able to increase the light parts of our soul or have they even become less?

So the balance sheet for an earthly life naturally looks extremely bleak…

Here, too, I am sorry to say that this is not an exception, but the norm. Welcome to the matrix of the 21st century!

If you look at this development in the overall context, it probably becomes increasingly clear why the light centers on the ocean floor or on the solid land mass were blocked a few years ago. They had stopped working, so to speak, just as a metal door rusts if it is not used for years. And these energetic portals have been passed through far too rarely by positive spirit from the earth world.

Positive spirit

Whenever a person can tune into the quiet melody of her/his soul, a positive spirit is created. Then his cerebrum is in absolute harmony with his soul and that is what matters.

Whenever the overall frequency of a human organism corresponds to its basic soul nature.

Whenever we have spontaneous flashes of inspiration that bring light into this world, the impulse comes from our soul.

Whenever soul and mind celebrate a wedding, light is created.

It is my heart’s desire to increase these wonderful moments in as many people as possible.

I help people to change their basic vibration in order to tune in to their soul again, to feel it again.

This can succeed all the better when a soul is complete again, which is why I strive daily to free abused parts of the soul.

Spiritual role model of the soul

Whenever a person is born, not only the human soul reincarnate, but also a second spiritual force that is very close to it. It is the personal spiritual role model. This spiritual role model reincarnates near the newborn in Mother Earth. It is a so-called „fairy“.

Every human soul has only one goal: it wants to become exactly like its spiritual role model.

While a human soul consists of light and shadow soul parts, the spiritual role model is already 100% light. It supports the human soul in the best possible way. In order to help the soul to become light itself through a succesful reincarnation. The spiritual role model settles in a person’s natural living environment in order to send out spiritual impulses. Ideally, it has an effect on the food that a person grows in her/his own garden and thus enriches it with creative spirit. And by eating then this enriched food the person strengthen their resonance with the light.

Unfortunately this cannot happen, if someone lives in Germany and buys tomatoes from Spain. 

Triggered by extreme states of stress, traumatic events such as a traffic accident, states of shock or in the context of operations (anesthesia), the following phenomenon has been observed in Western Europe for around 3 years: spiritual role models are withdrawing more and more. :This phenomenon is extremely worrying for me as I now know what is causing it: The energy level there is so poor that these light, pure beings cannot find sufficient light energy either in the respective people or in their environment to sustain themselves. Millions and millions of people are already affected by this, and the trend is rising. The effects are fatal for the people concerned! For example, severe psychological disorders can occur.

Final heaven

This is the absolutely pure and bright center of our creation system. The area with absolute perfection.Eversince, all human souls are wanting to arrive there one day. But they themselves must first become light through purification in reincarnation, for becoming enbled to enter into the final heaven.