The soul sent packing...
You will find out why this saying is all too true in the next few lines :
Why does almost no one in our modern age have a complete soul?
Our souls become defenceless due to artificiality, false thoughts and world views.
In short : by everything that does not correspond to our souls spiritual nature.
Our material body can NO longer offer protection to the soul, when we live purely mind – oriented. And do not align our entire being, our feelings, thoughts and actions with the soul.
As a consequence, the parts of the soul have to leave our material organism and seek refuge in an energetic shelter. Such shelters are provided by creation.
But what does it mean for a person to live more or less soulless?
People who are missing many parts of their soul no longer have a foothold, they feel alone and are unhappy. They are searching happiness in the outside world, but will never find it there. Many people attend one seminar after another in the hope of finding happiness. But only those who search and work hard on themselves can truly find contentment.
No matter what distractions people may find, what kick they chase after, dissatisfaction always catches up with them and emptiness is all that will remain afterwards.
People may be rich or poor, but nothing can give them the feeling of lasting satisfaction and security.
Welcome to the matrix of the 21st century!
So when a person loses their soul parts, that’s bad enough, but it gets even worse:
After leaving the human body, most soul parts are intercepted by dark forces who are specialize in enslaving them..
They have been doing this quite successfully for many thousands of years already. No one can imagine the extent of how many billions and billions of soul parts have been captured and abused over all these years! And for what?
The forces of darkness take these soul parts into captivity, so to speak, and use their energy to construct the matrix. In other words, to manipulate this earthly world and to alienate it ever further from the creative reality.
So it is unfortunately a fact: that our stolen soul parts are actually being misused to maintain the matrix. And even enable the dark forces to expand it further. The matrix that deceives us every day!!
In order to counteract these “criminal activities ”, I am going to offer my socalled „soul – analyses“ for free of charge (see Analysis button). Because as soon as people give me the order for such a soul analysis, I am authorized to free their soul parts. I go on a targeted search for the exact soul parts of the demanding person in order to bring them back into the creative cycle. And with every single liberated soul part, the matrix crumbles a little more… Figuratively speaking, this tears “holes” in its “dam”.
For many years now, I have been fighting against the forces of darkness in forms of gods, devils and demons that have subjugated us without us realizing it. The deception has existed for so long and is so cleverly arranged that very few people notice it!
It is one of my tasks ( given by creation) to teach people about the creative reality. To show them what is going wrong in our world from a spiritual point of view. And how we are unsuspectingly entangled and trapped deeper and deeper in the matrix.
If you want to find out how we are being deceived, then read on, because I have more to say.
I like to bring light into this world!
The milieu in which our earthly world currently finds itself is worse than ever before : we humans have almost completely suppressed the light energies, not only from the entire, formerly ensouled nature but also from ourselves.
My experience in 27 years as a shamanic consultant is : that only very few people today still have their complete soul inside themselves. Rather, it has become the norm that people have sent not only their light soul parts, but also their shadow soul parts, packing. In the truest sense of the word.
As briefly described above, dark forces have specialized in intercepting soul parts on a large scale and misusing them for their machinations. So to speak, as building blocks for the matrix. In this way, they misuse creative basic energies (soul parts) and use them manipulatively against ourselves. An example: The climate on this earth is not natural, it is exactly the way the dark forces want to present it to us at the moment. In order to change the creative conditions, they misuse soul parts that are connected to the weather: Wind, rain, sun, ocean currents, fog, just to name a few.
The “weather kitchen”, i.e. our climate, is of course no small project and yet is only a tiny example of what the dark forces are turning upside down.
It is my destiny to stop this abuse by freeing light soul parts from their captivity and allowing them to flow back into the creative cycle.
I do this every day, not alone of course, but in association with other conscious people.
Why am I talking about spiritual collapse?
The energy level within our world is decreasing day by day. Due to all the negative spirit ( thoughts) that the human cerebrum produces when it is not in harmony with its own soul.
For around 3 years now, the energy level in our world has deteriorated to such an extent that even the spiritual role models of human souls (fairies) are leaving the earth. They cannot find sufficient light energies in the respective person or in their environment anymore that would enable them to stay.
The resonance is missing. This is why the spiritual role models are wandering aimlessly around the creation system instead of fulfilling their task of supporting people on their path to the light.
This is a very alarming sign that spiritual collapse is close..
I cannot stop this process, but I can it slow down by freeing soul – parts. But this liberation alone will probably not be enough to initiate a fundamental change. This will only be possible if many people attain consciousness about creation.
And this doesn’t just happen like this! Only people for whom the search for truth is the most important thing suceed in doing this.
I like to offer the opportunity to learn from me how to work intensively and independently on yourself and your personal harmonisation. Visits are possible from April to October. We live very remotely in the middle of nature and ususally work in gardens, fields and handicrafts. Some of the gardens and construction sites are not directly adjacent to the residential buildings and we are therefore often not spontaneously available. So please contact us in advance via e-mail, Viber or WhatsApp if you are interested in a visit. We have no phone network here:)
A conscious and intensiv stay here in this natural place can help people to become whole again. And when a persons soul is complete again, this is the ideal prerequisite for allowing the material body to regenerate and recover.
All of this takes place deliberately and consciously here on site.
Why this place is so important...
Our site here in Bulgaria is connected to the final heaven, thats why we humans have very special creative help here. Because quite an amount of light energies feel attracted to this place and linger here. (According to the principle of resonance). They support my spiritual work, especially the liberation and harmonization of the soul for advice seeking people.
Unfortunately, there are only very few places like this ( with connection to the final heaven) left in the world.
A conscious and intensive stay on our site here in the Balkans can therefore be of great help for people to become whole again. And when a person’s soul is complete again, this is the optimal prerequisite, specially for the material body to regenerate and recover.
You are very welcome
More under Intensive Soul Work.
One can say: “Unhealthy due to loss of soul”
From the point of view of creation, the soul is the captain of our entire organism and the mind is its co-pilot. Ideally, the human body is the exact material image of our own soul. As a result, the two are usually a 100% match and the soul can control and coordinate all bodily functions perfectly.
How does a soul express itself within the human organism?
The soul conducts impulses via the nerve branch of the heart to the pineal gland. Which is highly sensitive, but unfortunately there are many different factors in modern life that can damage it. Even brushing your teeth with conventional toothpaste can paralyze it: Fluoride leads to calcification of the pineal gland, to name just one example.
Back to the impulse chain: soul, nerve branch of the heart, pineal gland, cerebrum, limbic and endocrine system and finally all organs. For spiritual impulses to be expressed in our organism, a calm mind is an absolute prerequisite.
If our brain cells are filled with information (intellectual knowledge and education), our soul does not have the opportunity to develop freely. On the contrary, parts of the soul have to leave the human organism because they cannot express themselves within it.
Those who are in constant contact with their soul know who they are and what they should do from a creative point of view. He is content and balanced and rests in his center. All his feelings and thoughts are in harmony with his soul.
That is how it should be. But what happens when parts of the soul are missing?
If parts of the soul fail, the mind takes over control as co-pilot, although it is unable to cope with this task. This leads to chaos, uncontrolled energy flows and, sooner or later, dysfunctions: Illness is the result.
I am firmly convinced that every illness, every malaise, even every accident has a spiritual background, i.e. its origin can be found in the spiritual and mental realm. Therefore, true healing can only come from here. I support people who want to be healed from deep within via this path.
The focus of my shamanic work is always on the spiritual realm. If a harmonization takes place here, this usually has a positive effect on a person’s physical condition. If illnesses dissolve in the process, this is a pleasant side effect, but not my primary goal.